MOWCAP Register 2022
April 2022
April 2022
The Memory of the World Committee for Asia and the Pacific (MOWCAP) invites nominations for the UNESCO Memory of the World Asia Pacific Regional Register (MOWCAP Register). Nominations should be sent by email to and must be received by 15 June 2022 for assessment in this round.
The revised MOWCAP nomination form and register process are available on the MOWCAP website.
The register process and the nomination form have been revised since the last nomination round in 2018. This has been done so that MOWCAP documents are compatible with the international documents developed in response to the outcome of the Comprehensive Review of the Memory of the World Programme.
We recommend that nominators read the MOWCAP Register Process document before starting to fill out the nomination form. This document provides detailed information on all aspects of nomination to the MOWCAP Register and includes a list of the type of documents that may be inadmissible for nomination (section D) and the criteria against which all nominations will be assessed (section E).
We also recommend that nominators start the nomination process as soon as possible so that there is time to gather the information required for the assessment of significance.
Also note that nominations are now limited to three per country in each cycle.