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Tyree Studio Collection


This extensive and complete image collection, spanning approximately 87 years, is comprehensive in its coverage of society from soon after the settlement of Nelson.

The Tyree Studio Collection comprises the complete catalogue of the Tyree photographic studio, including earlier photographic studios that the Tyree Studio subsumed, spanning from approximately 1860 until 1947.

Archive Location

Nelson Provincial Museum, Nelson, and the Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand

Miss Rosaline Frank. Nelson Provincial Museum, Tyree Studio Collection – 181144

Trafalgar Street, Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee, 1887. Nelson Provincial Museum, Tyree Studio Collection- 181975

Gottfried Lindauer. William Davis. Nelson Provincial Museum, Tyree Studio Collection- 10632

Aorere River punt, Collingwood Goldfields Ltd. Nelson Provincial Museum, Tyree Studio Collection – 182335


Catalogue Record

Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington

Collection Information

Nelson Provincial Museum